Watchdog list
If you had a bad experience with any individual represented by any dating agency, please let us know. This may help to stop dishonest people and organizations from taking advantage of customers like you |
Information in this section has been partly confirmed. That means that we have received this information from more than one source, or we were given actual correspondence,
and/or other documents supporting the facts. Please keep in mind that any documentation can be forged and cannot be viewed as a 100% proof.
We provide this information only to our customers, and only as an advice to be careful if corresponding to these persons.
However, we remove these girls, as well as any girl who has been suspected in scam activity, from our catalogue, and we will not sell their address to our customers.
One of our customers has been scammed by Diana Drozdova (Moscow, Russia). Her real name is Diana Pirojnikova which she used to pick up Western Union transfer.
I have had a contact with Diana Drozdova (fairy-tale@ipex.ru) for about 2 month. The contact was very good and very promising until she asked if I could help her with 280 dollars. She wanted to by a computer. This amount of money was missing. I sent it 30 december 2003 by the "Western Union" - system.
After that the contact has been broken. She has stopped writing.
Diana Pirojnikova
Novokosinskaya 23-159
Moscow - Russia - 111673

1. Sergejevna Chirukhina is a scammer.
Over the last year she took a trip to the United States, enough money to live well on, a diamond ring, and a fur coat from me under the pretense of being engaged, planning to come here to marry, while she was seeing several other men, taking money and jewelry, and proposing marriage to them.
When I found her listed on 5 dating sites in November, she denied any knowledge and said a friend who had her email password must have been involved. Her email and phone number were there for a year, so of course she was guilty. After I confronted her she took her bio off the sites.
When I started getting too close to the truth she broke off with me last week.
She is very skilful at this. She will never admit anything.
(name, email withheld)
(name, email withheld)
3. Here is the contact info of the scammer he used to get money by Western Union: Yana Sergejevna Chirukhina RUSTAVI ST 1A # 67 ZAPOROZHYE, UKRAINE 69093 AND PHONE IS 380-612-59-74-46.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.

Surname: Chumicheva
Name: Nadya
City: Sevastopol
Country: Ukraine
Postal address: 201-a Ostryakova str. / Apt 22 / Sevastopol 9905 / Ukraine
Phone number:
Photos: plese feel free to ask me some if you need some more!
Your story (as detailed as possible):
We wrote each other for about 7/8 months and she scammed me for 100$ pretexting she wanted to learn my language. She sounded very bubbly but clean: home adress, phone number, parents who hanged on the phone, and spoke good English and and some German - she presented herself as a language student in English/German.
She has a twin sister named Vera (see pictures) The bullshit seemed clean no contradictions ect in what she said, and really was tactfull and took her time to scam me.
This makes her very skilled scammer to me, she even wrote after the money was transfered but wrote shortler mails. Probably thought I would be re-assured not being scammed and would think of something else not receiving mails anymore.
The way she put it wasn't gross or obvious and obviously from the post-scamming mails (received 2) she doesn't want any waves. Bad luck for her :)) I will report her to any antiscam listings as well as customer services of Western Union in Sevastopol, one by one if it needs to be...
I specified on the W-U to show her ID to collect the money so the name should her real name (I mean the scammer's name).
Some picture are small size jpegs, obviously (now at least) copied/pasted from model website. Other pics are scans from magazines (can see the paper).
One last point: in one of the pis attached the background is excatly the same as another picture from another girl who wrote recently (I mean same background as on the pics).
Might be a group of scammers or peoplewho know each other.
Also I found pics of her and her sister on ukrainetours (checking "tour picture" Yalta summer 2002 and 2003 (her twin sister). I have the pics anyway if yu can't access the website, which is listed in scamming websites as a website collecting money for tours which didn't take place with fake girls (probably models).

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.

Runs usual visa scam.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.

Used photos of a Russian singer Julia Nachalova. Runs the usual visa/ticket scenario.

I was reporting a scam alert to your agency when I remarked this photo on your scamming list.
It is a pity that I didn’t check this earlier, before I have send the money.
I have different letter to her (about 60) in & outgoing answers.
She pretends to live in Cheboksary, Russia at the following address:
Baumana, house 54, app. 32
709004 Cheboksary
Chuvash Republic
In include other pictures of her and a copy of her passport. Because I was cautious, but probably not enough, and I should have consulted your list earlier. Stupid of me.
She gave her out for TANYA VOLZHANINA from Cheboksary, Russia. She began to write me in December 2003.
Although I was warned by different sites and could avoid cheating before, she succeeded in betraying me for 200$ + 350$.
Also though I found the story not 100% reliable, and with some difficulties I made I transferred 550$ in 2 times, one to help her out of some debts, the second time for her travel costs. It is also stupid of me, because I asked for some proof (like travel papers and advance payment), which I didn’t receive. And a copy of her passport. This I received.
Before I left to Southern Africa, I paid the 350$, doubting because I was not sure and I didn’t receive everything that I asked for. So it is also my fault. But I observe that there is a organized business of relationships fraud going on on which some people (especially in Russia) live from.
I include a copy of her passport.
P.S. This passport (with the real photo of its holder) was used to pick up money transfers effected through Western Union
P.P.S. Note how the photograph in this passport has been simply pasted on, using any graphic editor. First clue is that the red curvy lines on the left of the photograph should continue on the photo itself. Second clue is that the picture is grainy and stretched, obviously cropped from another, smaller image, and resized to fit the space in the passport.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.

This girl runs the usual visa/ticket scenario. The coordinates she may use for requesting money transfer is: Country: Ukraine, city: Odessa, name: Inna Chiliyants. She may use her friend's phone number +38 (048) 743-2777.
Her friend's name is Helen, or Elena.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
Hi my sweet Frederic
The fist letter what will be very serious,because talk about money and my trip! Because i never don't travel in Europe ,i can't get a visa in any country euro alliance who have a shengen visa!!! Today i went in Kiev,in French ambassy (i want made for you surprise),for know what i need for visa,this is don't possible because they afraid that i stay in France,i young and don't marriage,i can be emigrate!!!My passort clean,and this problem. But i find decision!
Ticket to France- 600$
Ticket to Kiev- 120$ (in 2 side)
Visa 50$
Ticket to Kiev for get a visa and then take this: 160$ (in 4 side)
930 $ and i mast have money for customs in airport,i don't know how much ,you know? This not all i mast made many paper:
-That i have job,and how much i get money
-That i don't been in prison
-That i don't have duty to imposition
-That i don't marrige,and don't have child
I hope that all,but this paper i can do samself,and every cost a money! If you change you mind about our meet tell me now,because tomorow i mast start made all paper for visa,and i need money.May be we can meet in country without visa for me,its will be cheape?I will be do all my paper use one old man he have a acquaintance in ambassy, because its don't possible do samself (we have every where people who for money can do all) I don't know what you will be answer,but i ask you answer quck!I mast do something or don't.
Kiss you Nataly

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.

Identity: Mariya Nizovtseva
My Love!!! I went today in the transport company and all has found out. Now I shall go on my job to make out my holiday, as Internet cafe beside from my job I have decided to write to you and to inform the information, as I have a little time while there is a dinner. We to go today with my mum, By the way she now near to me and passes you large hi! To me have said, that there are no problems. My visa and passport will be ready for one month. This not so large time, while my documents will be will made out by we can farther to correspond. I shall be capable to visit you for the period of 60 days. It is very good term. This time to us quite to suffice to understand each other and to decide, that to us to do in the future. I am adjusted that my future will be together with you. I will need to pay my documents till July 4. I have one problem. It is a shame to me a little you to ask. But I do not have other output. I to you I shall be very grateful. I have not enough two hundred the American dollars to pay all charges on my arrival to you. I hope, that you will help me. If can send me this money today or tomorrow, that I could be precisely sure, that I shall have time to pay my documents by July 4 (Friday). I went with the mum in some banks and have chosen bank which is located near to my house. It is more convenient. In it bank to me have said, that they have a system of remittances western union. It is the fastest and reliable translation system of money resources. I give you the address of bank where you can send me money through system of remittances Western Union. Lefko-bank Gagarina, 4 TR Kaluga 248600 Russia. To me in bank have said, that you also can send money through a site (westernunion.com)
And more of time to write the address. Mariya Nizovtseva, Krasnoarmeiskaya street, home <removed for privacy>, Kaluga city, 248600, Russia. It is necessary that you have written to me the airport in which to you it will be convenient to meet me. Also write the complete name and home address (necessarily correctly). I am very glad, that we soon shall together. I shall go now to make out holiday from my job and I shall wait for your letter. It is many love and respect.
Yours Mariya.
Dear Sir:
I regret to say that I am a scan and financial fraud victim of Mariya Nizovtseva. To date, I have sent her $1,000 via Western Union for her travel to visit me in the United States, plus transfer fees. The last $100 was sent August 8, 2003. In checking with Western Union Customer Service, I was told she picked up the last $100 in Yoshkar-Ola, even though in her last email said she was in Moscow (what a liar). I feel like such a fool to be deceived and mislead by a Russian woman who claims she wants to marry me. I have attached:
1. All the photos she sent me over the last several months.
2. Notices of Western Union that the money transfers had been picked up by Mariya Nizovtseva
3. Scam emails she sent me asking for money.
I would appreciate it if you would notify the Russian police authorities of this financial scam crime committed against me. I will notify the United States Secret Service foreign office that investigates financial fraud committed against Americans internationally.
Thanks for your help. I just saw your Watchdog List, too late to do me any good with Mariya Nizovtseva's picture on it. I'm sure she is laughing at me all the way to the bank.
I hope this bad experience does not sour me towards Russian women in general.

Unsuccessful Scam Attempt
Man's cover letters:
1. Hi,
well mariya nizovtseva went in for the kill , only in 5 letters, ! visa thing again i have her fake photos and letter and now she lives in lipetsk BS again, do you want me to send all the info to you?
2. Me again pat, after 5 letters! she is greedy isnt she! Yet another low life russian scammer, no offense to you gregory, when will it ever stop?
I am on your networkss mens profiles, she contacted at (omitted) not a bad site, but remind other men, since they are gulliable dont respond to a lady who emails you from a pay only personal site!
Russian women dont have credit cards , scammers do or the wealthy over there.
heres 2 photos and 1 letter , she is a novice.
heres the photos , letters are next, i only answered here to give her a chance, then i played with her, after 2nd letter telling me she is naked and sleeps naked, come on!
hoipe this helps. ...
3. The kill letter, she is so stupid, notice different fonts, my love yea after 3 -4 letters, right!
Some of the scammer's letters:
Hi my love Pat!!!
I was glad to receive news from you again. Today weather at us became more cool and there is a small rain and already there is no such heat what was.
I as am glad to that that you want as well as I by ours with you of meeting. Today I shall go and to learn(find out) all that to me it is required to make for my arrival to you. I with pleasure to speak with you on the phone, but unfortunately at me it(him) is not present. I to speak with my daddy concerning ours with you of the attitudes(relations) and it(he) to tell me that would be only is glad for us if at us all will turn out. It(he) has told as that will help me than can with reception of the visa for my visiting you. Now I should finish as it is time to me to go on a train to go inMoscowand to learn(find out) all concerning my arrival inU.S.A.
It is a lot of embraces and kiss. Yours Mariya.
Hi my love Pat!!!
I was glad to receive the letter from you again. I to go in Moscow and to learn(find out) concerning my arrival to you.
To me to tell that it it is possible, but it will be not simple. I can be at you during 80 days. I should for this purpose receive the following documents, it is the medical information concerning my health, foreign passport, tourist visa and ticket aboard the plane. Me will tell that the documents to be made out during 10 days from the date of payment.
To me to tell that reception of the medical information, of the foreign passport and tourist visa will cost 310 $. It is necessary that you have sent me this money. As concerning the tickets aboard the plane my daddy has told that you can not worry, as it(he) will help me to receive the tickets aboard the plane. I am written down on reception in the transport company of August 13 environment(Wednesday). It is necessary that you have sent me 310 $ till environment(Wednesday), that I could pay registration of my documents on environment(Wednesday). To me tell that you can to send me money through the world famous translation system of money " Western union " in your bank. For this purpose you need my complete name and my home address.
My complete name - Mariya Nizovtseva
My home address
City Lipetsk,
Street Volkova, house 34, apartment <removed for privacy>.
The address of bank:
Alfa bank
Street Barasheva <removed for privacy>.
Me have told in my bank that it will be more convenient to you to transfer me money with the help of a site in the Internet westernunion.com
I as need in ?????????? of the information:
Inform me your complete home address, your complete name the nearest airport where I can arrive. I worry slightly. As I never travelled so far. I to think that all will pass very well and we soon shall together. I with impatience shall wait for your following letter. Yours Mariya.
The nick and email the scammer was using: Mariya <mashaniz@<removed for privacy>>
So, be aware!

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
photos: none
identity: "Alina"
postal address (probably, it is fake, but be aware that this scammer is operating in Saratov):
Nab. of 50 years VLKSM <removed for privacy>
Saratov area
Russia 413840
phone number (the scammer uses actively this phone number): 8453 66-03-<removed for privacy>.
There was a money request in her 3d letter (see below):
Hello my dear ***
Has received your letters, but had no opportunity to write to you yesterday. I am very glad, that you write to me, and that want to meet me. I too want, you will meet. I shall be in Petersburg, not earlier on July, 17. Circumstances to me do not allow to arrive earlier. Only I do not have money to trip. At us the teacher not in honour and consequently I do not earn so much. My monthly salary will not suffice, that I have arrived to Petersburg. You only understand me correctly. I have learned(have found out) on the account of Spain in our travel agency. And me have told, that is required about 1100-1200 Euros. The permit costs(stands) from 600 Euros for 7 days, and at me with itself should be at departure of money, 50 Euros on every day. Into the permit enters, the visa, tickets, a feed(meal) and residing in 2 asterisk to hotel, the insurance. At me the passport is not yet ready. More shortly one problem. But all this is solved. You want to take away me to Spain? You to me today call in the evening. I shall wait for your bell with 9 pm-10 pm evening, time Moscow. And all with you we shall discuss. I thought you when you will not ask my phone!!!
My address:
Name: Fedorova Alina
street Nab. of 50 years VLKSM <removed for privacy>
city Balakovo
The Saratov area
Russia 413840
My phone: 8453 66-03-<removed for privacy>
I wait for your bell my dear ***
Sincerely yours Alina

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
To whom this concerns, My name is Jim Platter,
On the dating service, I saw this Young lady's profile and wrote a letter to her. She responded with a very positive letter, including, how she had "Such good feelings about me, and hoped that I would become that Special man in her life." Along with sending me pictures of her self, in which I was overwhelmed with her beauty. Along with what I thought were very personal and sweet letters. (I found out only after it was too late, that the sweet letters were mass produced.) She wanted to come and visit me as soon as she graduated from collage at the end of May 2003. She needed money for the visas/passports, and airline ticket. She was writing from the town of Yoshkar-Ola, Russia. She also works in conjunction with a claimed travel agent, Mikhail.
Her name is, and I found her pictures in another scam alert site with a different name. The first name was Inna (or something like that.) But the name she used with me was Masha Bogatyreva. She got $900.00 from me plus Western Union fees and the interest that I will have to pay on that money.
She has robbed at least three other men that I am know of. She claims that she works for a model agency. (And she may very well do so.)
It would be good if she spent some time in the Jail for what she is doing. I don't consider my self a very emotional type of person, but I was sure falling for this Masha Bogatyreva. When I realized that she was just scamming me it hurt in more ways than the just the pocket book.
If you have any further questions please be sure and let me know.
Sincerely Jim.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
I was in contact with Olga Markelova from Kirov. Russia for quite a while. We corresponded, and had even planned to meet in Prague in early September. She then began to ask me for $100 per month to use the Internet Club in Kirov. I refused to send it, as you had advised. She then kept at me and finally told me I was false and had thrown her away. I feel very badly, but there does not seem to be any way to resolve the situation. I simply wanted to report this to you because I felt I might have been scammed. It is distressing because she seemed, from our emails, to have been a very lovely and loving human being, and just what I might have been looking for.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
Please be advised that I have been coned out of $2,050.00 from a woman in the name of Katerina Bulatovia. She & I were corresponding for months and she said if I would wire her the money Western Union she would come on a 90 day visa to where I live here in <removed for privacy>, USA. and marry me. Her e-mail is Katti2006@<removed for privacy> and she said she was using a computer at the internet cafe to correspond with me.
Her address is: Russia, Voljsk, street I-Kirli house 5 apartment <removed for privacy> zip 424000. Please try to Black list her from trying to con & do in other gentleman with good intentions if you can. She had found me on your profile and e-mailed me first. I fell over her stories and I know it's my fault for trusting her. But if you can do something to stop her from hurting others I would appreciate it.
Sincerely, <removed for privacy>

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
...forth month in to our friendship, she gradually conned me into believing that her mother is dyeing of heart ailment. i have sent $ 1500.00 to help her. with in a day she wanted $4000.00. when i asked for more info, she just vanished...

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
This girl runs the usual visa / ticket scenario. The coordinates she may use for requesting money transfer is: Country: Russia, city: Tambov, name: Svetlana Volkova. She may also use address in Samara, Russia.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
1. This lady sent a money request to one of our customers:
Truly, I want to be married soon. Maybe, we can meet so that we can try a trial engagement if we find that the love component is there between us and get a chance to see if we are destined to be together. I am very sorry to tell you about that, but I know writing letters throught the internet is the fasties way to get to know each other and I am always very happy to get all of your letters and replay to you as soon as possible. I knew I would have to pay the money in order to correspondens with you, but I din't know it would take so much money. I am very sorry I came up with such a matters. But it is pretty expensive for me to pay for the letters and for the translations. I mean I can speak English a little bit, but that is not enough in order to express my feelings to you. The point of this is I would like very much for you to pay for our correspondence. I would really appreciate if you can help me with some money, and it would give me a chance to write you more often. Again I am sorry. Each time I send or get letter I pay about 5$ with translation for each one. You can send me some money via Western Union System on my name;
Ukraine, 65000, Odessa
st.Nikolaevskaya doroga <removed for privacy>
Smirnova Oksana

2. Another customer of ours has supposed that this lady is running a scam scheme:
And another question: time ago I've ordered profile of Oksana Reference: 78647. I've contacted her and when I've asked her phone number (because I've programmed to go to Odessa and I wanted to put in phone contact with her), she did not write me more after this. and before she had written me very lovely letters. It's seems like a scam to me. Are there someone else who have the same my opinion?

This scammer - Oksana Smirnova - is still operating in Odessa using the same mailing address for Western Union transfers and new email which is blacksea@farlep.net. One of our visitors has reported that "they" (the scammers) send out letters that are a complete replica copy of the one used before. So, be aware.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
A women Olga Sivenko (St. Petersburg, Russia) corresponded with me via e-mail and telephone. She presented the opportunity to travel to the USA to visit me as part of a tour using a student visa. I sent her $950.00 via Western Union for the trip. I can provide all the details. After she received the money on 6/18/02, I have not been able to contact her and have not heard from her.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
We have been informed that this girl has scammed many men, using the usual scenario. The names (aliases) she uses are: Anastasia Sadilova, Anastasia Sergeevna, Elena Parneshvily. These are some of the photographs she is using:

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
We have been informed that this girl could get you in trouble.
REPORTEDLY, she had played a usual scam scenario with at least one customer. She wants to come to the US, and asks for money for visa and air ticket. She never goes and disappears with the money. The name she uses now is Natasha. We are not sure it is her real name. The bank information that she used:
Bank name: National Bank for Foreign Economic activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Branch name: <removed for privacy>
Account number: <removed for privacy>
Account name: <removed for privacy> NATALYA
Bank address: Republic of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. 54. S.Kalanov Str.

Please be advised that this information is not confirmed. If you happen to know anything about this girl, please let me know.
Hello Russian-Brides-club Manager,
I'd like to bring a letter to your attention which I believe belongs to Lydmila <removed for privacy> #72476 from Yalta Ukraine I wrote two Ludmilas, however, the other was from Russia and as you will note this one has a Ukrainian Email address.
I purchased her address and four others on Monday. I received the attached Email back from her immediately the next day. (It's safe to open). As you will note it's exclusively a money request. I'm very experienced in this process and even a rookie could spot this as an obvious scammer.
I've spent almost half a year in the Ukraine and very few GOOD LOOKING women have a problem scrounging up five hryvnia for an hour of Internet time (despite what many agencies would have us believe). In the rare case they can't come up with it, no legitimate woman would ask for it, ESPECIALLY IN THE FIRST LETTER!
I just thought I would advise you of this situation.
Regards, Rick Cumming