Russian phrasebook
Bookmark it or print it out and take with you on your trip. This excellent phrasebook contains all words and expressions you will need in your everyday life in Russia, and none you don't need.
- BASIC EXPRESSIONS These are must. Start here if you are new to Russian, going to travel to Russia or want to look polite and educated while talking to Russians.
- ARRIVAL, HOTTEL Phrases useful for hotel registration, hotel staff contacts, currency exchange, etc.
- EATING OUT Here's what to say at the restaurant, how to order foods and beverages, traditional Russian dishes, etc.
- SHOPPING Some general expressions required when shopping, trying clothing on, inquiring about price, etc.
- DOCTOR (You are here). How to describe your condition, call a doctor, and understand doctor's instructions.
Visiting a Doctor
Мне (срочно) нужен врач |
Mne (srochna) noozhen vrach |
I need a doctor (quickly) |
Вызовите, пожалуйста, врача |
Vizaveete pazhaloosta vracha |
Please, get me a doctor |
Я плохо себя чувствую |
Ya plokha seebya choostvooyoo |
I'm not feeling well |
Здесь болит |
Zdes' baleet |
It hurts here |
Здесь не болит |
Zdes' nee baleet |
It does not hurt here |
Мне лучше (хуже) |
Mne loochshe (khoozhe) |
I feel better (worse) |
У меня болит голова (живот) |
Oo meenya baleet galava (zheevot) |
I have a headache (stomach-ache) |
У меня высокая температура |
Oo meenya visokaya teempeeratoora |
I have a high temperature |
У меня кружится голова |
Oo meenya kroozhitsa galava |
I feel dizzy |
У меня насморк |
Oo menya nasmark |
I have caught a cold |
Какое лекарство мне нужно принимать? |
Kakoye leekarstva mne noozhna preeneemat' |
What medicine should I take? |
Мне что-то попало в глаз |
Mne shtota papala f glaz |
I've got something in my eye |
У меня болит зуб |
Oo meenya baleet zoop |
I have a tooth-ache |
Сколько я должен за визит?
[male] |
Skolka ya dolzhen za veezeet |
What do I owe you for the call? |
Сколько я должна за визит?
[female] |
Skolka ya dolzhna za veezeet |
What do I owe you for the call? |
Doctor's part
Что у вас болит? |
Shto oo vas baleet |
Where does it hurt? |
Откройте рот |
Atkroytee rot |
Open your mouth |
Покашляйте, пожалуйста |
Pakashleeyte pazhaloosta |
Cough, please |
Сделайте (глубокий) вдох |
Sdyelayte (gloobokeey) vdokh |
Take a (deep) breath |
Выдохните |
Vidakhneete |
Breath out |
Не дышите |
Nee dishite |
Don't breath |
Ложитесь сюда
Lazhites' syooda |
Lay down over here |
Я сделаю вам укол |
Ya sdelayoo vam ookol |
I'll give you an injection |